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Fall 2025 Registration Stay Tuned


Practice/ Training:

6 p.m. Wednesdays - all teams at Peoples Academy/Morristown Elementary fields.

9 a.m. Saturdays - Pre-K and Kindergarten, grade 1/2 teams at Peoples Academy/Morristown Elementary fields 


Grade 3/4 and 5/6 teams will take place on Saturdays from September -late October.

Game schedules will be posted in early September

About Fall Recreational Soccer

Morrisville Soccer Club offers a fall grassroots recreational soccer program led by volunteer coaches. All boys and girls from Morristown, Elmore, Wolcott, and other communities without their own teams in grades Pre-K through 6th are welcome. Fall games are located within Lamoille County against other local recreational teams.  Players are broken into groups by grade level. Practices are located at the Peoples Academy/Morristown Elementary School fields.


Registration fees are $40 per player with a family max of $100. All players will be given an MSC shirt that is to be used as a game uniform. 


Players should come to practice ready to play with a soccer ball, cleats, shin guards, and water. 


Teams are generally not limited by the number of players, but we also strive to have a reasonable coach-to-player ratio on each team.  For 3/4 and 5/6 teams, it may be possible to have 15 players for one or two coaches.  However with younger age groups, more coaches are typically necessary.  Sometimes there are enough players to field two full teams in an age bracket.  Frequently in that case the teams will still practice together as one large group, then split up for the weekend games. MSC is a volunteer organization; if you have soccer knowledge and would like to coach a team, please email today!


Pre-K & Kindergarten

Wednesdays 6:00-7:00 PM and Saturdays 9:00-10:00 AM

Co-ed training sessions inside the track. (Fields #5/6)

No formal games are played at this age group.

First and Second Grade

Wednesdays 6:00-7:00 PM and Saturdays 9:00-10:00 AM

Girls training session on the Mason field. (Field #7)

Boys training session on the Varsity baseball level field. (Field #12)

No formal games are played at this age group.


Third and Fourth Grade

Wednesdays 6:00-7:00 PM and Saturdays* 9:00-10:00 AM

Boys training sessions on middle school soccer field (Field #3)

Girls training session on middle school soccer field  (Field #3)

Games played on Saturdays 

Schedule to come...


Fifth and Six Grade

Wednesdays 6:00-7:00 PM and Saturdays* 9:00-10:00 AM

Girls training sessions behind elementary school  (Field #2)

Boys training session behind elementary school  (Field #1)

Games played on Saturdays 

Schedule to come...

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